fixing garage door offtrack

how to fix garage door off track


Are you struggling with a garage door that’s slipped off its track? This common problem can cause immense frustration and inconvenience, but don’t worry! Our comprehensive guide is here to walk you through the steps of repairing this issue on your own, all while saving time and money. With Mercury Garage Door Repair in Santa Clarita, we have the best for your budget. We are garage repair experts in Santa Clarita CA.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get that garage door back on track!

Key Takeaways

  • Identifying an off-track garage door: Look for signs of misalignment, such as irregularities in the pathway or alignment of the doors and wobbly or unevenly placed rollers.
  • Common causes for garage doors going off-track: Loose tracks, damaged tracks, inadequate lubrication, and dirty tracks are all common culprits that can lead to your garage door coming off track.
  • Step-by-step guide to fixing an off-track garage door: Disconnect the opener, open and secure the door, locate and fix the problem area (such as loose or damaged tracks), test the door’s alignment, and reattach the door. Regular assessment of your tracks and rollers is also important.
garage door track

Identifying an Off-Track Garage Door

A garage door off track is a common yet problematic occurrence. It’s crucial to know how to identify an off-track garage door to prevent further damage and maintain safety. Look for irregularities in the pathway or alignment of your garage doors, which is an obvious sign of misalignment.

Pay close attention to the Garage Door Rollers – if they seem wobbly or unevenly placed, it could mean that the door has veered off its tracks.

Other signs include difficulty while operating your Garage Door Opener, odd noises during manual or Automatic Operation, and visible gaps between rollers and tracks. In addition, inspect for loose parts like screws and bolts as this could indicate Loose Tracks which are one of the leading causes behind Garage Door Off Track problems.

Damaged Tracks can also result in similar issues; hence a thorough Garage Door Assessment should involve checking for any physical deformations on the tracks themselves.

Common Causes for Garage Doors Going Off-Track

Garage doors can go off-track due to various common causes, such as loose or damaged tracks, inadequate lubrication, and dirty tracks.

Loose Tracks

Loose tracks play a significant role in causing garage doors to go off track. Over time, the bolts securing your garage door’s track brackets can loosen due to regular wear and tear, leading to an unstable operation of the door.

This instability often results in the garage door rollers veering off their designated path on the tracks.

Addressing this problem involves tightening these bolts back onto the wall using a wrench or any other appropriate tool. While undertaking this DIY garage door repair task, make sure not just to tighten loose parts but also assess any potential damage on garage door tracks and rollers that may require additional attention.

Regular assessment of these components is crucial for preventative maintenance, ensuring smooth automatic operation moving forward.

Damaged Tracks

Damaged tracks are a common culprit behind off-track garage doors. They can occur due to various reasons – forceful impacts, inadequate lubrication causing increased friction, or simply wear and tear over time.

These impaired tracks can disrupt the smooth journey of your garage door rollers leading to misalignment issues. As a result, the entire functionality of your Garage Door System may falter.

One telltale sign of damaged tracks is visible dents or bends on their surface. Ignoring these signs could further exacerbate the problem and even lead to safety hazards as forcing the door open could cause more damage or injury.

For homeowners in Nashville or Gallatin areas struggling with such issue, professional assistance from companies like EXL Garage Doors can prove vital in resolving such problems efficiently and safely.

Inadequate Lubrication

Inadequate lubrication is a common culprit when it comes to garage doors going off-track. Without proper lubrication, the rollers can become stiff and grind against the tracks, causing them to come loose or completely derail.

This can result in an uneven operation of your garage door and potential damage to the tracks. Regularly applying lubricant to all metal hardware, including the rollers and track, can prevent friction and keep everything running smoothly.

By taking this simple preventive measure, you can avoid the hassle of fixing an off-track garage door in the first place.

Dirty Tracks

Dirty tracks are another common cause of garage doors going off track. Over time, debris and dirt can accumulate on the tracks, hindering the smooth operation of the rollers. This buildup can cause friction and lead to misalignment or even complete derailment of the door.

Regularly cleaning the tracks with a soft cloth or brush can help prevent this issue. Additionally, applying lubricant after cleaning will ensure that the rollers glide smoothly along the tracks, reducing wear and tear.

By keeping your garage door tracks clean and well-maintained, you can avoid problems caused by dirty tracks and keep your door functioning properly for years to come.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing an Off-Track Garage Door

To fix an off-track garage door, start by disconnecting the opener and securing the door in place. Then, locate and address the problem area, such as loose or damaged tracks. Use pliers to bring the off-track wheels back onto the track and reshape it if necessary.

Once fixed, manually test the door’s alignment and balance before reattaching it to the opener. Finally, conduct an automatic operation test to ensure everything is functioning properly again.

Disconnect the Opener

To begin fixing an off-track garage door, the opener needs to be disconnected for safety purposes. This can be done by locating the emergency release cord, usually found near the opener motor, and pulling it down to disengage the door from the automatic operation.

Disconnecting the opener ensures that no unintentional movements occur while working on the tracks and prevents any potential harm or accidents. It’s important to follow this step carefully before proceeding with further repairs to ensure a smooth and successful fix.

Open and Secure the Door

To fix a garage door that has come off track, the first step is to open and secure the door. Make sure the power to the garage door opener is disconnected before attempting any repairs.

Then, manually lift the door up until it is fully open and use locking pliers or C-clamps to secure it in place. This will ensure that it stays put while you work on fixing the issue.

By taking these initial steps, you can safely move on to identifying and addressing the problem with your off-track garage door rollers without causing further damage or risking injury.

Locate and Fix the Problem

To locate and fix the problem causing your garage door to go off-track, start by disconnecting the power to ensure safety. Next, carefully examine the tracks for any signs of damage or misalignment.

Bent or loose tracks are common culprits for an off-track door. If you notice any issues, use pliers to open up the track slightly and guide the roller back into place. To prevent future problems, make sure all track bolts are tightened and lubricate all metal hardware with a silicone spray.

Regularly checking and maintaining your garage door can help avoid similar issues in the future.

Test the Door’s Alignment

Once you have fixed the issue that caused your garage door to go off-track, it’s important to test the door’s alignment before reattaching it. A misaligned garage door can lead to further problems down the line, so taking the time to ensure it is properly aligned is crucial.

To do this, perform a manual operation of opening and closing the door several times. Pay attention to any resistance or uneven movement along the tracks. If you notice any issues or if the door doesn’t move smoothly, adjustments may need to be made.

This could involve tweaking the track alignment or examining other components such as rollers or springs. By testing and correcting any alignment issues now, you can help prevent future problems with your garage door.

Reattach the Door

After successfully fixing the issue with your off-track garage door, it’s time to reattach the door and ensure it is properly secured. Start by positioning the rollers back onto the track, making sure they are aligned correctly.

Then, gently guide the door back into place, using caution to prevent any further damage. Once in position, close the track with a rubber or wooden mallet to securely hold the rollers in place.

To ensure that your repair was successful, open and close the door a few times manually before reconnecting it to the automatic garage opener. These steps will help restore smooth operation and functionality to your garage door while preventing future problems from occurring.

When to Seek Professional Assistance

If you’ve followed the step-by-step guide to fix an off-track garage door but still find yourself struggling, it may be time to seek professional assistance. While some minor issues can be resolved by homeowners themselves, there are certain situations where the expertise of a garage door repair technician is necessary for a safe and effective solution.

One key reason to call in professionals is if you’re unsure about the cause of your off-track garage door or if it’s repeatedly happening despite your attempts at fixing it. Garage doors can have complex mechanisms that require specialized knowledge and tools to diagnose properly.

Additionally, attempting DIY repairs without sufficient experience or understanding could potentially lead to further damage or even personal injury.

Another important indicator that it’s time to reach out for professional help is if you notice any signs of significant damage such as bent tracks, broken rollers, or other structural issues with your garage door system.

These problems often require replacement parts and precise adjustments that are best handled by experts in the field.

Remember, when it comes to ensuring a safe and functional garage door, seeking professional assistance can provide peace of mind while saving both time and money in the long run.


In conclusion, fixing a garage door that has gone off track is a task that can be tackled with the right knowledge and tools. By identifying common causes such as loose or damaged tracks and taking the necessary steps to fix them, you can restore your garage door’s functionality.

Remember to test the alignment and seek professional assistance if needed for optimal results. Don’t let an off-track garage door hold you back from enjoying convenient access to your space!


1. What causes a garage door to go off track?

Garage doors can go off track due to various reasons, such as loose or broken cables, damaged rollers or tracks, inadequate lubrication, or foreign objects obstructing the door’s movement.

2. Can I fix a garage door that has gone off track by myself?

Fixing a garage door that has gone off track is not recommended for DIY repair unless you have proper knowledge and experience in handling garage doors. It’s best to call a professional technician who specializes in garage door repairs to avoid causing further damage or injury.

3. How can I prevent my garage door from going off track?

To prevent your garage door from going off track, it’s important to conduct regular maintenance checks on the cables, tracks, rollers, and hinges. Ensure that all parts are properly lubricated and free of debris. Avoid slamming the door shut or placing excessive weight on it.

4. How much does it cost to fix a garage door that is off track?

The cost of fixing a garage door that is off track can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the necessary repairs needed. It’s best to contact a reputable professional for an inspection and accurate estimate of the costs involved in repairing your specific situation.